Formal announcement set for Tampa’s Black History Museum

Tampa's Black History Museum
Tampa's Black History Museum is the location of a new Tampa Bay History Center initiative in partnership with the Tampa Housing Authority to provide educational experiences in the historic St. James Episcopal Church.

TAMPA, Fla. – Kicking off Juneteenth Week with a landmark announcement, the Tampa Bay History Center and Tampa Housing Authority will unveil their collaboration on Monday, June 17, to establish Tampa’s Black History Museum. This celebrated initiative honors Tampa’s remarkable Black heritage.

“This partnership represents months of thoughtful planning, born of a desire to work together to share Tampa’s Black history,” said C.J. Roberts, president and CEO of the Tampa Bay History Center. “We’re proud to collaborate with the Tampa Housing Authority in such a significant and impactful way, offering Encore and the City of Tampa a new cultural destination.”

“Our partnership with the Tampa Bay History Center shows our joint commitment to preserving diversity history, which is essential for fostering strong communities,” said Jerome D. Ryans, President & CEO of the Tampa Housing Authority. “The reason why we must honor and share Tampa’s Black heritage is to celebrate the past and inspire future generations to appreciate and uphold the vibrant cultural diversity that makes Tampa so unique,” adds Ryans.

Joining Juneteenth Week’s celebrations in recognition of the lasting cultural impact of African Americans, community leaders, and elected officials will speak in support of Tampa’s Black History Museum. Speakers include Mayor Jane Castor, Representative Dianne Hart, County Commissioner Gwen Myers, Tampa Councilwoman Gwen Henderson, and leaders from the NAACP and Urban League. Their participation highlights the importance of this initiative in elevating Black voices and safeguarding their cultural heritage.


Tampa’s Black History Museum Announcement


  • Mayor Jane Castor
  • Florida State Representative Dianne Hart
  • County Commissioner Gwen Myers
  • Tampa City Councilwoman Gwen Henderson
  • Tampa Bay History Center CEO C.J. Roberts
  • NAACP Hillsborough County President Yvette Lewis
  • Urban League of Hillsborough County CEO Kiah Wilson
  • Tampa Housing Authority Commissioner Robert P. Edwards


Press conference and photo exhibit showcasing pivotal moments in
Tampa’s Black history.


Tampa Bay History Center and the Tampa Housing Authority


Monday, June 17, 2-3:30 p.m.


Tampa’s Black History Museum
1213 N. Central Ave., Tampa, FL 33602

Formerly known as the Historic St. James Church at Encore, 1202 N Governor Street, Tampa, FL 33602.