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Board of Trustees


Chris Alvarez

Chris Alvarez

CFO, Health Network One
Mike Blount

Mike Blount

Vice Chair
Retired Partner, Ernst & Young LLP
Ellery Linder

Ellery Linder

Board of Directors, Conservation Florida
Rich Mullins

Richard Mullins

Vice President, Tucker/Hall


Blake Bell

Blake Bell

Director State Affairs at Molina Healthcare; Brooksville City Councilman
Duncan Belser

Duncan Belser

Senior Vice President, Financial Recovery Group, Inc.
George Dowling

George Dowling

Sr. Director of Building Operations, Tampa Bay Rays
Matthew Evans

Matthew Evans

Attorney, Older Lundy Koch & Martino
Abbye Feeley

Abbye Feeley

Administrator for Development and Economic Opportunity, City of Tampa
Henry Gonzalez

Henry Gonzalez III

Past Chair
Partner, SI Private Capital
Gordon Hill

Gordon Hill

Shareholder, Hill, Ward & Henderson
Fraser Himes

Fraser Himes

Advancement Committee Chair
Partner, Fraser Himes, PA
George Howell

George B. Howell III

Past Chair (Emeritus)
Partner, Holland & Knight LLP
Angela Lanza

Angela Lanza

Director of Event Marketing, Vinik Sports Group
Kimberly Madison

Kim Madison

Community and Legal Affairs, Strategic Property Partners
David Moore

David Moore

President, Bank of Central Florida
Janet Nichols

Janet Nichols

Immediate Past Chair
Managing Director, Senior VP, Investments Raymond James
Tim O'Connor

Tim O'Connor

Vice President, Operations, Sustainability & External Affairs, TECO Peoples Gas
Steven Raney

Steven Raney

Past Chair (Emeritus)
President and CEO, Raymond James Bank
James Robbins

James Robbins Jr.

Past Chair (Emeritus)
Founding Lawyer and Managing Shareholder, Hill Ward Henderson
C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts

The Frank E. Duckwall President & CEO, Tampa Bay History Center

Marsha G. Rydberg

Past Chair (Emeritus)
Attorney, The Rydberg Law Firm
Bet Snyder

Bet Snyder

Director, The Lowry Murphey Family Foundation
Kenneth Souza

Kenneth Souza

Senior Director of Investments, University of South Florida Foundation, Inc.
Curtis Stokes

Curtis Stokes

Immediate Past Chair
President, Searchwell Advisors
Edward Szczepanik

Col. Edward Szczepanik

Commander, 6th Air Refueling Wing, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida
Photo of Lincoln Tamayo, Chief Operating Officer, Academy Prep Foundation and Head of School, Academy Prep Center of Lakeland

Lincoln Tamayo

Chief Operating Officer, Academy Prep Foundation and Head of School, Academy Prep Center of Lakeland
Corliss Taylor

Corliss Taylor

Senior Vice President, Trust Strategist, Baird Trust
Tom Touchton

J. Thomas "Tom" Touchton

Founding Chair (Emeritus)
Chairman, The Witt-Touchton Company LLC
Paul Whiting Jr.

Paul L. Whiting Jr.

Past Chair (Emeritus) and TBHC Foundation Board President
Principal, AGW Capital Advisors
Bonnie Wise

Bonnie M. Wise

Audit Committee Chair
County Administrator Representative, Hillsborough County Administrator
Mark Woodard

Mark Woodard

Collections Committee Chair
Pinellas County Administrator – Ret.

Foundation Board of Trustees

Foundation Officers

Kenneth Souza

Kenneth Souza

Senior Director of Investments, University of South Florida Foundation, Inc.
Janet Nichols

Janet Nichols

Vice President
Managing Director, Senior VP, Investments Raymond James
Corliss Taylor

Corliss Taylor

Secretary & Treasurer
Senior Vice President, Trust Strategist, Baird Trust

Foundation Officer (Non-Trustee)

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts

The Frank E. Duckwall President & CEO, Tampa Bay History Center

Foundation Trustees

Cameron Cassedy

Cameron Cassedy

Vice President, Cassedy Financial Group
Lucas DeVicente

Lucas DiVicente

Managing Principal, Sabal Trust
James Robbins

James Robbins Jr.

Partner & Managing Shareholder, Hill Ward Henderson
Bet Snyder

Bet Snyder

Director, The Lowry Murphey Family Foundation

John Touchton

President, The Witt-Touchton Company LLC
Paul Whiting Jr.

Paul L. Whiting Jr.

Principal, AGW Capital Advisors

Legal Counsel (Non-Trustee)

Frank J. "Sandy" Rief, III

Frank J. “Sandy” Rief III

Shareholder, Allen Dell
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